Basic advantages of spray tan in London

Spray tan, being the latest fad in the line of methods for sunless tanning, has already own the heart of the thousands of people. A session of spray tan in London leaves one with a very pleasing experience and an evenly spread glowing tan all over one’s body. Any high-end beauty salon in London can provide one with an amazing tanning session. One can flaunt a radiant golden brown skin for weeks if one can go by all the instructions given by the professionals in the salon. Essentially a chemical called DHA turns the tone of the skin brown through some chemical reactions with the outermost layer of the skin.

The best bit about spray tan is one can choose the shade of the brown prior the session according to his or her natural complexion. Lighter shades of brown go well with people with fairer complexion so one can select the shade that suits one most.  A session of spray tan in London is done in an automated booth and the entire session is unbelievably fast as it doesn’t take more than fifteen minutes. The technicians of the reputed beauty salon in London are there to give you expert tips and advices, any deviation from those might bring in unwanted results like streaky lines, patches, blotches and orange hands.

Any sort of shaving or waxing before the session is strictly prohibited as it doesn’t let the mist work effectively. Showering or swimming just after the session of spray tan in London is also no-no too. One needs to wait for at least 6-8 hours after the sitting for the tan to develop. One might notice some colours being washed off during the shower, but it is just the bronzer and the real tan does not get affected by this. Spray tan helps one flaunt the glowing sun-kissed look on the skin in the safest manner possible as it is absolutely devoid of UV rays.

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