Showing posts with label mystic spray tanning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystic spray tanning. Show all posts

Mystic spray tanning is the best form of sunless tanning

mystic spray tanning
Tanning has always been popular as a form of beautification as dark-coloured skin is considered as beautiful in many countries. For years, people used to depend on the sun to achieve the desired golden brown complexion but with the growing consciousness about the adverse effects of sun-tanning compelled tanners to look out for safer sunless tanning methods so that they can flaunt a glowing tan all over their body throughout the year. Mystic spray tanning is the newest addition in the line of artificial tanning methods. Tanners not only obtain their desired tan from mystic tan but this procedure is also associated with a lot of skin benefits.

One of the beauties of mystic spray tanning solution is the absence of any type of harmful chemicals and additives. Mystic tan boasts of natural ingredients and helps tanners keep their body well-nourished and protected from untimely ageing and wrinkles and age-spots. The mystic tanning mist is also enhanced with botanical and herbal extracts and antioxidants. Ingredients such as aloe Vera and green tea also play an instrumental role in rejuvenating the skin of the tanners. Another beauty of the mystic tan is there are different shades of tanning solution for tanners with different complexions. Now tanners can choose the shade that goes perfectly with the natural tone of their body.

The colour-changing of the skin of the tanners takes place due to the reaction of the main component of the mystic spray tanning called DHA with the outermost layer of the skin. DHA tends to emit an unpleasant smell that many experienced spray tanners have across but mystic tan is armed with a unique substance to combat such smell. New tanners should step inside a reputed beauty or tanning salon to have a flawless coat of mystic tan while experienced ones can buy the tanning products and apply that at home.

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A brief overview on mystic spray tan

mystic spray tan
Mystic spray tan

Mystic spray tan is one of the newest fads in the line of sunless tanning methods. It consists of DHA and moisturisers. The DHA gets in touch with the dead cells of the skin and turns its tone dark brown. Even though the skin cells are continuously in the natural process of shedding the tan would be over once the cells of the skin shed off. Mystic tan is the latest and the most innovative way of artificial tan and its effects can be extended by taking proper steps through exfoliating and moisturising. Exfoliation before the session is a must as it helps tanning mist work with the fresh cells of the skin that would stay longer.

Exfoliation also ensures an even tan all over one’s body. And right before the mystic spray tan session one should apply some barrier creams or lotions on all the drier areas of the body such palms, elbow, knee and the likes. This barrier cream would protect tanning solution to work on these areas that most likely to be resulted in uneven patches and streaky lines. During the session one is supposed to stand on a magnetic plate and the beauticians of the salon would teach the tanner the right posture of standing so that the tanner gets the tanning mist evenly all over the body.

During the mystic spray tan session some tanners stand wearing underwear and some others prefers to stand nude. Even if one chooses to wear staffs that should be loosely-fitted and of dark colour as the tanning solution can stain the clothes. Most of the leading salons provide tan-seekers with a goggle, nose-plug and a pair of ear-plugs to protect these sensitive parts of the body from tanning mist because FDA has strictly approved only the external use of DHA and it must not get in touch with any part of the body that is covered with mucous membrane.


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Some tips to get proper mystic spray tanning

Sunless tanning process as the mystic tanning booth was basically created only for the people who really want to get the UV free tanning treatment. The right sunless cream or the lotion will surely change the colour of the original skin without any harmful effect of UV rays and other particles.

The most effective part of this sunless tanning is nothing but the Mystic spray tanning method. It is the only spray treatment that is to be performed well in the tanning booth. The users can easily find these less UV rays service booth as most of the major continents in many beauty salons. People choose this process more frequently than just lying under the hot lamps and this is especially only a UV free tanning method to get the fast tanning treatment. To use a specific application that can deliver an airbrush as that motion can create a very natural and obviously a smudge free tanning. It basically depends on the location and the tanning salon, the quality of the services is quite different. This service is perfectly delivered by the beauty salons and it offers sun kissed look with a bronzed tone.

The best thing about the tanning is that you never have to get prepared yourself in advance when you have to appear for the treatment. Then the user has to maintain the look by visiting the salon and get properly touched by the expert. If you really prefer the look, you can opt for more tanning session.

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