Tips to increase the life and lustre of spray tan in shepherds bush

spray tanning in shepherds bush
spray tan

Over the last decade an increasing number of people in London are opting for spray tan to get a glowing tan. This process is way faster, simpler and much more effective. If there is anything that goes against spray tan is its less durability. But tanners can still extend the life of the tan if they go by certain steps. The preparation for a perfect spray tan in shepherds bush area starts a few days before the actual tanning session. Tanners need to do get rid of the hairs from every part of the body and dead cells from the skin through shaving and exfoliation.

The tanning mist sticks to the fresh cells of the skin better and longer and ensures an even tan without any streaky lines, blotches and patches with longer durability. Tanners should also abstain from applying any type of perfumes and body lotions before the tanning session; not even the regular after-shower lotion or deodorant because these chemicals can potentially hamper the workings of the tanning solution. Once the session gets over tanners can gently wipe the excess mist by a dry towel to avoid any drippings. Tanners may notice some colours are coming off with the towel but they can rest assured that this is just the bronzer and actual tanning mist has got settled inside the skin.

After the spray tan in shepherds bush area, shaving and exfoliation are strictly prohibited because that would take away the tanned cells of the skin as well and reduces the glowing effect of the spray tan. Similarly swimming in a pool and physical exercise also contribute to the fading away of the skin so tanners are better off refrain from such activities. Regular application of moisturiser can help extend the durability of the spray tan and tanners need to carry on doing this to keep the skin hydrated so that they can enjoy the glowing sun-kissed complexion for long.


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A brief overview on mystic spray tan

mystic spray tan
Mystic spray tan

Mystic spray tan is one of the newest fads in the line of sunless tanning methods. It consists of DHA and moisturisers. The DHA gets in touch with the dead cells of the skin and turns its tone dark brown. Even though the skin cells are continuously in the natural process of shedding the tan would be over once the cells of the skin shed off. Mystic tan is the latest and the most innovative way of artificial tan and its effects can be extended by taking proper steps through exfoliating and moisturising. Exfoliation before the session is a must as it helps tanning mist work with the fresh cells of the skin that would stay longer.

Exfoliation also ensures an even tan all over one’s body. And right before the mystic spray tan session one should apply some barrier creams or lotions on all the drier areas of the body such palms, elbow, knee and the likes. This barrier cream would protect tanning solution to work on these areas that most likely to be resulted in uneven patches and streaky lines. During the session one is supposed to stand on a magnetic plate and the beauticians of the salon would teach the tanner the right posture of standing so that the tanner gets the tanning mist evenly all over the body.

During the mystic spray tan session some tanners stand wearing underwear and some others prefers to stand nude. Even if one chooses to wear staffs that should be loosely-fitted and of dark colour as the tanning solution can stain the clothes. Most of the leading salons provide tan-seekers with a goggle, nose-plug and a pair of ear-plugs to protect these sensitive parts of the body from tanning mist because FDA has strictly approved only the external use of DHA and it must not get in touch with any part of the body that is covered with mucous membrane.


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